Lin Lab

RNA modification is a way to expand nucleotide structure diversity to fulfil different functions. In the Lin lab, we study mechanisms on how RNA modifying enzymes select their RNA targets by obtaining cryo-electron microscope structures details. This will be the basis for customised RNA modifications for bioengineering purposes.

RNA modification publications:
Lin, T., Kleenmann, L., Jeżowski, J., Dobosz, D., Rawski, M., Indyka, P., Ważny, G., Mehta, R., Chramiec-Głąbik, A., Koziej, L., Ranff, T., Fufezan, C., Wawro, M., Kochan, J., Bereta, J., Leidel, S.A., Glatt, S.
The molecular basis of tRNA selectivity by human pseudouridine synthase 3.
In: Molecular Cell. 2024
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